Driveway Drainage Solutions Home Maintenance Masonry can provide

Placement and slope are considered the most effective ways for combating driveway drainage problems. When considering a new driveway and it's position on your land it's key to understand the movement of water and the best solution for drainage avoiding placing your driveway in a low-lying area, or a position where water usually flows during storms. The best solution is placing your driveway at a gentle slope, away from your home, where the rain water washes out into the street and/or to on-site water management system. Grading may be necessary to achieve the right type of slope if your property doesn't have one naturally but if your property has a natural steep slope you'll find these hillside landscaping essentials helpful.

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Driveway Drains to Control Drainage Issues

Properties that sit below street level are difficult to solve in term of drainage systems but not impossible. For these types of properties the placement and slope alone are not enough to fix the drainage issue. Drainage for these properties are solved by installing driveway drains. For example, a trench drain which is often called a French drain, can be installed where the driveway meets the garage. They are the most common solution and you may see them in below street level propertis, they are a long and narrow drain that runs the entire width of the driveway. It's typically covered by a metal grate to keep the bigger debris that causes pipes to clog out of the system. If you live in an area that has a very rainy climate, you could consider installing multiple trench drains at different places along your driveway. There are decorative grates available for drainage systems that can be incorporated as a unique landscape design element.

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